Controlled Drugs

Prescriptions for opiate substitution treatment (OST) will only be provided in the Recovery Clinic or by an allocated mental health nurse at review appointment. Prescriptions for OST will not be provided in the GP Clinic unless the GP has asked you to come for this.

We cannot issue controlled drug prescriptions over the phone. It is important that patients attend a clinic appointment for safety.


We are aware some patients are dependent on illicit benzodiazepines (Xanax/diazepam).

We do not recommend diazepam as a treatment for anxiety and would encourage patients to reduce their illicit use. Sometimes, clinicians may prescribe a reducing dose of benzodiazepines. Patients need to be stable on their opiate replacement therapy and not using other illicit drugs to be prescribed diazepam.

Diazepam prescriptions can only be issued through the Recovery Clinic

Planning a holiday?

We understand how important visiting family and friends and having holidays is. If you are planning to do this, and you are on a controlled medication (such as methadone, subutex, diazepam and others) how you are safely going to get your medication needs time for consideration. For this reason we are not able to facilitate short notice travel, except in exceptional circumstances.

If you are planning to travel the team requires 2 weeks notice for a travel prescription within the UK and 4 weeks outside the UK. The team will risk assess your request.

Please do not book any travel until the team have made this risk assessment.

If you plan to take controlled medication outwith the UK, it is your responsibility to check the legal status of any prescribed medication in your destination and any stop over countries.

This information can be obtained by contacting the relevant embassies. 


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