Latest News

We now have a podiatrist once a month!

Our Nature Health Plan has started - ask one of our staff to find out what events are on

We have new leaflets about our service. Please see the links below:

General Information Leaflet - The Access Place

Recovery Clinic Leaflet - The Access Place

FAQ Recovery Clinic - The Access Place

Housing Leaflet - The Access Place

Womens' Clinic Leaflet - The Access Place

We are a 'one stop shop' offering multidisciplinary support for people experiencing homelessness who have additional needs.

At TAP, you can access doctors, nurses, mental health nurses, housing officers, social workers, link workers, benefits advisors and other 3rd sector services.

Please note, we do not offer Covid-19 vaccinations if you have not had one before.  These are now available at a drop in clinic. The nearest one to TAP is below:

Waverley Mall

Open daily 10am-6pm, 7 days a week




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